I love to be in nature and the outdoors so it’s no wonder that landscapes are one of my favourite topics to paint. Natural settings can be very wondrous but at the same time very complex, so I try to take it all in and then focus on the simple things that capture my feelings at that moment.
Desert Peaks (view from Chiricahua NM, Arizona), 7″h 21″w [framed 12″x26″], $425
A Delicate Balance!, watercolour, 12″h x 18″w [framed 20″x26″], $650.00
Clinging to the Branches, watercolour, 12″h x 8″w [framed 12″x16″], $350.00
Trees Reflected on Still Waters, 10″h 10″w [framed 20″x20″], $450
Mist in the Mountains, watercolour, 12″h x 24″w [framed 20″x32″ inches], $700.00
Foggy Firs, watercolour, 12″h x 8″w [framed 12″x16″], $350.00
• Sunrise at Camp, 10¾”h 8¾”w [framed 16″x14″]
Hike Along the Carp Barrens Trail, 9½”h 14¼”w [framed 16″x20″], $400
Hearts Desire, 5″h 7″w [framed 8″X10″], $150
• Winter Calm Along the Tay, 9″h x 27″w [framed 14″h x 32″w]
• Spring Melt in the Woods, 10″h x 20″w [framed 16″h x 26″w]
• Campfire Under the Moonlight, 7″h 7″w [framed 12″x12″]
• Sunrise Breeze Across the French River, 9″h x 25″w
• I Could Walk for Miles, 14¼”h x 20¼”w [framed 20″h x 26″w]
Bent But Not Broken, 11″h x 14″w [varnished, float frame 13″h x 14″w] $400
• Sunset in the Winter Woods (#1), 12″h x 24″w [varnished, float frame 14″h x 26″w]
Sunset in the Winter Woods (#2), 9¾”h x 16¾”w [framed 16″h x 26″w] $500
Leaving the World Behind, 10″h x 14″w [framed 16″h x 20″w] $400
• Winter Reflections in a Marsh, 20½”h x 6½”w
• Land and Sky and Sea, 7½”h x 27½”w
• Reflections on a Late Afternoon, 11″h x 14″w (varnished)
• Forest Cathedral, 24″h x 12″w (varnished)
• Amber Dawn, 9½”h x 25½”w
• After the Snowfall, 9″h x 13″w
• Cattail Reflections, 11½”h x 17½”w
• Last Light, 15″h x 26″w (varnished)
• Across the Avalon, 7″h x 25″w
• La Grande Chute, Rivière Dumoine, 8½”h x 22¼”w
• Misty Inlet, 7½”h x 13½”w
• Tranquility #2, 11″h x 25″w
• Morning Paddle, 11″h x 25″w
Traditional framed paintings are behind glass and include an off-white mat. Float frames are for varnished watercolours and are approximately 1″ wide. All framing uses archival materials. • Indicates painting is sold.